Here's to Love.

Here's to Love.

At least once in your life, I hope you fall in love. Deeply, and unapologetically so. I hope you have someone who will carry you up the stairs in the aftermath of a treacherous 20 mile hike. Someone who cooks a mean omelette and knows just how you like your bacon. A partner who will car dance with you and serenade you with pop songs with your name inserted in. One who will frolic through national parks and celestial beaches with you. I pray that you will have someone to hold you in the safety of their embrace as you weep when life overwhelms you. Someone who refuses to get in the way of your big dreams and ambitions, who pushes you to achieve and to create. I hope you find someone who you love to listen to, whose mind you want to watch, absorb, and digest in all it's quiet complexity. Someone whose heart is so precious to you, that you refuse to let it break. Someone who holds your heart in the same fierce regard. Dear Reader, I hope for all that is good, great and delightful in this world, that you find your Blaine.  I hope that at some point in your time on this earth, you are as blissfully happy as he has made me for the past nine months.

This is my prayer to the universe, for you and for all humankind.

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